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Pen Test Project™



Penetration Testing Services

When it comes to cybersecurity, recognizing your own weaknesses is just as crucial as using the most recent security solutions. In order to create a strong security solution to safeguard your assets and corporate data, it is critical to understand how threats enter a system and how attackers could exploit its flaws.

Pen-Testing, also known as penetration testing, employs the notion of offensive security before criminals can gain access to your most private areas. Pen-testing services enable you to find vulnerabilities and handle them proactively rather than waiting for an attacker to find a gap. The paradigm shift significantly enhances your online security posture, ensuring that your network security is more than adequate to safeguard the sensitive data belonging to your company.

MSMNET Security uses the most recent penetration testing techniques to evaluate each component of your IT infrastructure. To determine how well your detection and response architecture functions, our experts work methodically, investigating every angle that simulates a genuine attack. After that, we put the data to use by enhancing your security measures and preventing such cyberattacks.

About Our Penetration Testing Services

Regardless of your industry or area of interest, Pen-Testing services are essential to putting together a secure operation. Our testing service strives to replicate a real-world environment as accurately as possible, with our hackers employing all of their available tools to get past the defenses of your company. Since we are a pioneer in our industry and exclusively employ security professionals, you can count on our testing procedures to be stringent.

Our Penetration Testing service includes more than just looking for flaws; it also includes determining the most effective means of overcoming these limitations. Following a vulnerability assessment, the MSMNET Security team will work with the organization to establish the best security posture for upcoming operations.

We offer a thorough analysis of the vulnerabilities, complete with a criticality ranking that helps you decide which problems you need to take care of immediately. Our penetration testers investigate how different vulnerabilities affect corporate operations, the potential for damage, and the statistical frequency of these occurrences in your industry.

Our experts also offer advice on how to strengthen your security response by using recommended solutions. You can speak with our penetration testing specialists in real time if you have any queries or would want more details on how to defend your company against future assaults.

Pen Test Project includes the following:

  • External and Internal Penetration Testing
  • Robust Executive and Technical Reporting
  • Secure Workflow Management Portal
  • Remote Service Delivery
  • Industry Standard Testing Methodology
  • Quality Control of Results Reporting
  • Global Coverage

Our Services

The scope of vulnerability scanning and penetration testing differs significantly; penetration tests also use vulnerability scanning. Our security specialists will thoroughly evaluate the information from the scan.

To determine the fragility, the technical team will eliminate any false positives and exploit any vulnerabilities found. In a worst-case scenario, they’ll also combine several attacks to show the effects of an unchecked network vulnerability.

Your security posture’s flaws can be found with a quick vulnerability analysis. It won’t, however, let you know how bad the failure was. The faults will be easier to see, and the repercussions of ignoring them will be revealed, thanks to penetration testing services. With the help of our thorough testing service, you’ll learn which security gaps to be concerned about and which ones can be fixed with little to no impact.

The MSMNET Security penetration testing service is practical, preventative, and covers all the basics. You can choose between a thorough threat intelligence assessment and a more focused pen test that focuses on a specific area of your company or a certain threat source.

Web Application Penetration Testing

To evaluate the reliability of your threat detection and response, penetration testing necessitates the usage of an astounding array of protocols by our team. Most penetration testers concentrate on using automated tools to find flaws, although doing so needs skill to simulate a human saboteur.

The foundation of our web application assessment methodology is the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual. We also use the Open Web Application Security Project as a framework for detecting threats and implementing the right security controls for your organization.

Business web apps have numerous vulnerabilities that affect organizations. It can cause problems, many of which won’t be picked up by an automated penetration test. To uncover flaws in data validation and integrity checks as well as issues with your authentication or session management systems, our experts conduct rigorous manual testing.

Cross-site scripting issues, the disclosure of sensitive or private information, and poorly managed access control are the most frequent issues discovered by our penetration testers. These all provide potential attackers with access to crucial and destructive information.

Network and Infrastructure Penetration Testing

The infrastructure and network of your company are used by cyberattacks to get access to the complete system. As a component of your infrastructure and a direct internet connection, your perimeter is also known as your external network. It is frequently your security solution’s weakest link, making it a common target.

We approach our external network penetration testing from the viewpoint of a user who does not have access to your systems or networks. The penetration team will attempt to breach your systems and services, giving you great insight into any potential external network vulnerabilities in terms of both protection and mitigation.

Internal network penetration testing services are also a part of thorough security testing. It examines dangers from intruders who have already gained access to your network, such as resentful workers or outside intruders who have knowledge of usernames and passwords.

Potential issues are found during an internal network penetration test, but it also probes further. By knowing what data was exposed, you can assess how a serious breach may affect your business. We employ the following methodologies:

  • Port scanning
  • System fingerprinting
  • Internal network scanning using automation
  • Manual vulnerability testing
  • Verification and testing of configuration vulnerabilities
  • Testing of third-party security configurations
  • Scanning for known Trojans on your network

Wireless Penetration Testing

Most businesses will pay close attention to the security posture of their wired networks but neglect to do the same for wireless networks. Since it’s considerably simpler to abuse these wireless networks when one is physically close by, they are significantly more open to attack.

A comparable security testing methodology to that used for wired networks will be used for wireless penetration testing. Since physical access to any wireless medium is extremely difficult to block, wireless networks are typically significantly simpler to access. It’s a characteristic that makes many companies vulnerable to global infiltration.

In order to find weaknesses, generally through Bluetooth or RFID, our audits entail evaluating your wireless networks and protocols. It identifies the scope of the threat to your wireless network and offers recommendations for avoiding unauthorized access through malicious access points or other flaws.

Social Engineering Services

More than just technologies or networks, humans have a role in security. Your workforce is one of the main sources of vulnerability in any security program. The same kind of digital penetration testing evaluations are required for employees as they are for the rest of your system. The penetration testing techniques used by social engineering services include phishing, bribery, and physical testing:
  • Phishing: Many employees still readily click on unidentified links and attachments at work, giving attackers a port of entry that is unprotected.
  • Bribery: If there is the possibility of receiving a modest payment, staff might not be as committed to your company as they should be to guard it against illegal access.
  • Physical testing: Even if your company has access control, there are a number of ways to get around it and enter your facility, which might then give someone access to your network.
Our penetration testing services use a combination of diverse on-site and off-site techniques to identify any human holes in your network security and provide a suitable remedy. Like the majority of pen tests, this one offers clear insight into potential cyber dangers, consequences, and workable solutions.

API Penetration Testing

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have altered the digital world’s rules of engagement, making them a very desirable target for attackers. APIs constantly exchange data among numerous networks and systems, particularly in the mobile sector.

It is wise to include these platforms in your testing, in-depth penetration tests, and other security services because the accessibility of APIs has propelled them into one of the most commonly utilized attack vectors.

APIs are a part of the 2019 architecture for the Open Web Application Security Project. Since automation can’t keep up with the sheer number or variety on the market, a standard penetration testing methodology is unable to handle weak APIs. A thorough penetration testing service is necessary to go through an API function by function and find every way a hacker could use these flaws to attack your company

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Without giving security tests or responses much thought, many businesses have incorporated mobile devices into their operations. Working under a “Bring Your Own Device” policy puts you at danger of network invasion by mobile devices.

We examine Android and iOS for how mobile devices interact with your network as part of our mobile applications testing and vulnerability management. We’ll examine different aspects of network connections in addition to looking at how malware compromises your information security system.

Having the correct framework makes managing vulnerabilities simpler. Determining how quickly you can detect and respond to malware or mobile attacks in a real-time scenario is a crucial step. We also examine the interactions between various computer systems used by your staff and their mobile devices.

AWS Penetration Testing

You most likely use Amazon Web Services, also known as AWS, if your company uses cloud computing. When using AWS, security penetration testing differs from standard penetration testing and vulnerability management. The primary difference is that AWS is a platform that offers software as a service (SaaS), which implies that our clients do not own the infrastructure. Penetration testing services should be aware of the legal restrictions when gathering comprehensive threat intelligence on the service.

Since there are many different AWS environments, any AWS pen tests must be customized for your organization’s needs. It should also fit perfectly with the goals and scope of your business. You won’t get a thorough threat intelligence report from AWS penetration testing businesses if you choose them because they lack the platform’s essential experience.

Code-Assisted Penetration Testing

The attacker in the majority of penetration testing is assumed to have no knowledge of the target, therefore this perspective is known as “no knowledge.” Nevertheless, it’s not always the case.

Code-assisted penetration tests enable a thorough test of online application security by providing testers with access to the source code for diverse web apps.

The code-assisted method has a lot of benefits, one of which is that penetration testing services may validate the results of business logic decisions. As well as testing the application’s weaknesses, it enables visitors to browse the back-and-front end connection, speeding security responses and refining offensive security methods.

It is a common misconception in the area of services penetration testing that it is tiresome to trudge through source code, yet it is actually essential and beneficial. It is well worth your time to use code-assisted testing because it provides a lot of added value for little cost.


How often should I do a penetration test?

Any offensive security protocol requires annual security penetration testing. We advise additional testing when:

  • Your company installs new web apps or infrastructure
  • You extend the network by adding a new physical location
  • A web application security evaluation is carried out by your team
  • An analysis of threat intelligence is necessary for IT governance

What are the types of penetration testing?

The most common forms of penetration testing services include:

  • Wireless
  • Internal network
  • External network
  • Social engineering
  • Physical
  • Firewall
  • Web application

How long does a penetration test take?

The scale of the organization, the number of systems, and managed security services are just a few of the variables that affect how thoroughly an application security assessment is conducted. Typically, penetration testing takes one to three weeks.


Effective penetration testing goes beyond simply examining managed security through proof of concept; it also reveals your security response’s strengths and shortcomings and illustrates how these vulnerabilities might affect your company.

Any offensive security system is supported by regular penetration testing, and being proactive can spare your organization the hassle of future breaches. MSMNET Security assists your company in fighting back against attackers by utilizing a number of open-source tools.