Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Our Focus

Organizational pressure to keep sensitive data and intellectual property secure are only increasing. Headline news associated with frequent and hard-hitting data breaches underscores the importance of staying on top of key security risks. And now with CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, CISOs, and security teams being held personally accountable – the stakes are higher than ever.

Network Vulnerability Scanner

What is on my Network?

It all starts with having a scanner capable of quickly, comprehensively and accurately assessing endpoints and servers for operating system and application vulnerabilities.

Risk Management

Which assets are at risk?

Once network assets have been scanned, data must be converted into actionable intelligence based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System commonly called CVSS.

Security GPA Score

Where should I focus efforts?

Our Security GPA rating system provides an easy-to-understand picture of your organization’s security posture that can be acted upon and easily communicated to executives.


Can I integrate vulnerability findings into my security workflow?

Effective vulnerability management requires a seamless workflow process from identification to remediation. Our Security Automation System makes it easy to integrate discovered, analyzed, scored, and prioritized vulnerabilities.


How do I assess where I'm exposed from an attacker's perspective?

There are two key areas to check: your “network attack surface” and your “personnel attack surface. Our Pen Test assesses the first, and our Social Test assesses the second.


How do I ensure all personnel are cognizant of risky “digital behavior"?

Most organizations utilize defense-in-depth safeguards for their networks. But these solutions are only one part of the equation Humans continue to be a weak link in the chain.

PCI Compliance

Are we meeting requisite compliance standards?

Web server shortcomings, e-mail clients, POS applications, and operating systems can allow attackers to access your systems. Installing security updates and patches for cardholder systems or sensitive data environments will help fix many of the newly found bugs and vulnerabilities before attackers have a chance to exploit them.

But to fix these vulnerabilities, you need to find them first. For this, you need to scan your systems by testing for vulnerabilities.

An essential requirement of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is 11.2, also known as the PCI vulnerability scanning requirement. This requirement requires companies to perform internal and external vulnerability scans four times a year, every three months and after any significant network changes, irrespective of its size.

But PCI DSS requirement 11.2 is not just about scanning network components and servers to identify vulnerabilities before attackers. It is also about improving and improving processes to stop vulnerabilities from reappearing.

To give our clients the most comprehensive vulnerability management solution on the market, we use The Industry’s Most Advanced Suite of Security Solutions. We deliver 360 degrees of protection that you can trust and count on for maximum Cyber Protection.

With the advent of BYOD, virtualization, employee/contractor mobility, and rapid movement to cloud services, the attack surface IT security are chartered to protect both huge, and in a constant state of flux. Unfortunately, staying on top of security vulnerabilities and threats has become harder — not easier — to manage. This is because leading vulnerability management and threat assessment solutions remain overly complex, error-prone, and expensive to staff and operate.

Our vulnerability management solution and complementary services overcome the frustration, lack of accurate results, and excessive costs associated with other mainstream security risk assessment tools

Threat Prevention

By using deep learning, we are able to predict and prevent Ransomware and any kind of threat – known and unknown – anywhere in zero time.


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More consultants decide to join MSMNET SECURITY because we treat our consultants like family because they are FAMILY. Your contribution is appreciated and rewarded.